Treaty of The Hague (1795)

The Treaty of Den Haag (also known as the Treaty of The Hague and seldom known as the Hedges Treaty) was signed on May 16, 1795 between representatives of the French Republic and the Batavian Republic. Based on the terms of the treaty, the Batavian Republic ceded the territories of Maastricht, Venlo, and Flanders to France. Moreover, the accord established a defensive alliance between the two nations. Furthermore, the Dutch agreed to pay an indemnity of 100 million guilders for their part in the war of the First Coalition, and to provide the French Republic a large loan against a low rate of interest. The "barrier forts" [1] in the former Austrian Netherlands were dismantled. The port of Flushing was to be placed under a co-dominion. Finally, in a secret clause, the Dutch agreed to pay for a French army of occupation of 25,000 till the war was ended.[2]



  1. ^ Which the old Dutch Republic had maintained on the basis of the Barrier Treaty
  2. ^ Schama, p. 207.

Further reading

See also

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